Get Involved

There are many ways and good reasons for you to get actively involved with Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Our waters surround a community of nearly 80,000 year-round residents and more than 5 million annual visitors, each of whom is connected to resources the sanctuary protects. Whether you are just passing through to enjoy the underwater beauty and wonder of the ocean here, or if you rely on resources protected by the sanctuary as a source of income, each of us has a stake in protecting this special place.

From becoming a volunteer to participating on the Sanctuary Advisory Council or attending sanctuary events, there are multiple ways for you to get involved and make a difference in long-term health of sanctuary resources.

People in a boat placing items in a trash bag. One person has on a shirt that reads volunteer


Volunteers contribute to our stewardship in meaningful ways. Learn how you can lend a hand.

children gather in a group near the water

For Teachers

Children are hungry for knowledge about how they can make a difference. Here's a resource for teachers to empower their students.

A diver on the seafloor holding a handful of old rope

For Divers

Divers can lend a hand by taking part in stewardship programs that benefit our ecosystem.

a person on a boat pulls up next to another boat with too many people on it and that appears to be sinking.

For Boaters

Team OCEAN volunteers are dedicated to informing the visiting public while out on the water, and are an integral part of keeping people and sanctuary resources safe.

student looking through a microscope

For Youth

Opportunities for youth who are passionate about the ocean and natural environment.

An anchor on coral

Report a Violation

If you see something, say something. We have a list to help you be on the lookout for violations that could harm sanctuary resources.

people sitting around a table watching a presentation

Sanctuary Advisory Council

The Sanctuary Advisory Council represents various user groups, and provides advice to our superintendent.