Beth Dieveney

Acting Deputy Superintendent
(305) 809-4710
Beth Dieveny joined the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary team in January 2013 to support the Sanctuary Advisory Council scoping and community working group process for the Restoration Blueprint. While she has served additional roles at Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, her primary contribution is to the Restoration Blueprint regulatory and management plan review process. Beth also serves on the Eastern Region team of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. Before joining the sanctuary in 2013, Dieveny served as the federal agency liaison for NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, where she promoted targeted partnerships, resource leveraging, and collaboration for activities that directly increase on-the-ground coral reef conservation action. During her time with NOAA, Dieveny spent one year on rotation supporting the NOAA Administrator and other NOAA leadership, including providing leadership coordination for NOAA's engagement in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. After moving to Florida, she participated in the University of Florida's Natural Resource Leadership Institute. She holds a master's degree in marine affairs from the University of Rhode Island.