Proposed Marine Zone Changes
NOAA has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ("proposed rule") for public comment for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This proposed rule follows NOAA's publication of a draft environmental impact statement in August 2019, which provided a range of alternatives for modified and new marine zones. The proposed modified and/or new marine zones are informed by public comments on the draft environmental impact statement, additional agency input, and scientific and user data. NOAA's proposed rule includes five marine zone types: management areas, conservation areas, sanctuary preservation areas, restoration areas, and wildlife management areas. NOAA has used marine zoning as a management tool in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary since 1997. Since that time, much has changed in relation to specific habitats and marine species that could benefit from modified or enhanced marine zone designation.
The documents on this page provide information on marine zones in NOAA's proposed rule.
Upper Keys Region

Middle Keys Region

Lower Keys Region

Marquesas Region

Tortugas Region